

Prepping for Summer: How to Get Beach Body Ready by April’s End

With summer just around the corner, many of us are starting to think about getting our bodies in shape for beach season. While it’s essential to focus on health and fitness year-round, there’s no denying the extra motivation that comes with the impending arrival of warmer weather and swimsuit season. In this blog post, we’ll […]

Prepping for Summer: How to Get Beach Body Ready by April’s End Read More »

With summer just around the corner, many of us are starting to think about getting our bodies in shape for beach season. While it’s essential to focus on health and fitness year-round, there’s no denying the extra motivation that comes with the impending arrival of warmer weather and swimsuit season. In this blog post, we’ll

A Beginner’s Guide to Pickleball

Pickleball is a paddleball sport that combines elements of badminton, table tennis, and tennis. All across the nation, pickleball is growing in popularity and becoming one of the most sought-after sports activities to participate in. Due to soaring demand, many parks and recreation departments are now adding pickleball to their sports programming. In line with

A Beginner’s Guide to Pickleball Read More »

Pickleball is a paddleball sport that combines elements of badminton, table tennis, and tennis. All across the nation, pickleball is growing in popularity and becoming one of the most sought-after sports activities to participate in. Due to soaring demand, many parks and recreation departments are now adding pickleball to their sports programming. In line with

exercise training phoenix az Woman and Trainer

How To Start a New Fitness Routine For Beginners

You may be unsure about where to even start when it comes to working out and that’s okay! Everything takes time, practice, and some dedication. To help you, we’ve put together a few suggestions to set you up for success when starting a new fitness routine. Set Your Fitness Goals Setting a goal gives you

How To Start a New Fitness Routine For Beginners Read More »

You may be unsure about where to even start when it comes to working out and that’s okay! Everything takes time, practice, and some dedication. To help you, we’ve put together a few suggestions to set you up for success when starting a new fitness routine. Set Your Fitness Goals Setting a goal gives you

lifting weights

5 Major Health Benefits of Lifting Weights

Strength training can help you manage or lose weight, and it can increase your metabolism to help you burn more calories. We put together 5 major benefits of lifting weights and slowing the aging process. Retain Important Muscle Mass As part of the aging process, muscle breaks down, it weakens, and you lose strength. Do you

5 Major Health Benefits of Lifting Weights Read More »

Strength training can help you manage or lose weight, and it can increase your metabolism to help you burn more calories. We put together 5 major benefits of lifting weights and slowing the aging process. Retain Important Muscle Mass As part of the aging process, muscle breaks down, it weakens, and you lose strength. Do you

The Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a workout that involves several moments of burst movements followed by low-intensity recovery periods. HIIT workouts are a way to get in workouts that pack a punch when you don’t have much time. The average HIIT workout is 10-30 minutes. Exercises vary and can include biking, running, spinning, and bodyweight

The Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Read More »

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a workout that involves several moments of burst movements followed by low-intensity recovery periods. HIIT workouts are a way to get in workouts that pack a punch when you don’t have much time. The average HIIT workout is 10-30 minutes. Exercises vary and can include biking, running, spinning, and bodyweight

Simple Stretches to Unwind

At the end of the day, especially in these unprecedented times, burnout and feelings of anxiety can heighten. Our bodies hold on to energy—the good, the bad, the unknown, the tightness, the stress… all of it. Whether we are an avid yogi or prone to weight lifting or a combo of both, stretching with intention

Simple Stretches to Unwind Read More »

At the end of the day, especially in these unprecedented times, burnout and feelings of anxiety can heighten. Our bodies hold on to energy—the good, the bad, the unknown, the tightness, the stress… all of it. Whether we are an avid yogi or prone to weight lifting or a combo of both, stretching with intention

Percussion massager

What is a Percussion Massager and Why You Need to Use One?

We are back! Crushing those workouts and determined to work off that quarantine 15. Now we are seeing the results, strength, energy and all the other benefits we love about the gym! Do you know what else is back? The tight, sore, inflamed muscles. Muscles that have been sitting on a beach sipping Mai Tais

What is a Percussion Massager and Why You Need to Use One? Read More »

We are back! Crushing those workouts and determined to work off that quarantine 15. Now we are seeing the results, strength, energy and all the other benefits we love about the gym! Do you know what else is back? The tight, sore, inflamed muscles. Muscles that have been sitting on a beach sipping Mai Tais

How to Balance Work, Kids and Exercise

2020… a number that stirs up so many thoughts and feelings.  It will forever be the year associated with the pandemic that rocked our world.  Everyone’s lives changed.  Whether our jobs were affected or not, we all had to go through a major shift and adapt to something that wasn’t our “normal”.  A lot of

How to Balance Work, Kids and Exercise Read More »

2020… a number that stirs up so many thoughts and feelings.  It will forever be the year associated with the pandemic that rocked our world.  Everyone’s lives changed.  Whether our jobs were affected or not, we all had to go through a major shift and adapt to something that wasn’t our “normal”.  A lot of

How To Find Continued Results Even After Your Gym Workout

There are many myths and misconceptions about how to create a successful and healthy plan when you are not in the gym. On average, a little more than 3% of the week is spent on exercise in a gym. A typical gym-goer will spend around 1 hour a day 4 days a week inside the

How To Find Continued Results Even After Your Gym Workout Read More »

There are many myths and misconceptions about how to create a successful and healthy plan when you are not in the gym. On average, a little more than 3% of the week is spent on exercise in a gym. A typical gym-goer will spend around 1 hour a day 4 days a week inside the

How To Make Your At-Home Workouts More Challenging 

Mountainside Fitness clubs may be closed but at-home workouts are open!  Although 2020 has had its share of hardships, loss, and canceled plans, there are a few things that are not canceled: staying healthy. Maintaining mental and physical health should be a top priority even in uncertain times. We want our members to be mentally and

How To Make Your At-Home Workouts More Challenging  Read More »

Mountainside Fitness clubs may be closed but at-home workouts are open!  Although 2020 has had its share of hardships, loss, and canceled plans, there are a few things that are not canceled: staying healthy. Maintaining mental and physical health should be a top priority even in uncertain times. We want our members to be mentally and