90-Day Fit Challenge
90-Day Fit Challenge
90-Day Fit Challenge

the Mountainside Fitness 90-Day Fit Challenge

Challenge DATES:
5/1/23 – 7/31/23

open to all current members
entries must be submitted by 4/30/23

All participants receive discounted packages for Personal Training and Stretch Therapy, 1 month of free Premium Plus amenities and prize eligibility.

• 90 days of accountability and workout tracking.

• 2 sessions per week with coaching on form, modifications and alternative exercises.

• Workout and training reminders for all participants to keep you accountable.

• Progress evaluations at Day 1, Day 45 and Day 90 using In-Body body composition analyzers that primarily measures your muscle mass which we will use to create a custom program to build muscle and promote healthy weight loss.


90 Day Fit

    I agree to allow Mountainside Fitness to charge my fitness account or corresponding Barcode or agreement number listed above. I authorize Mountainside Fitness to charge my account for the Holiday PT special. Member agrees to pay MSF in full via card or EFT on file or in future billing. Member will receive a receipt from ABC financial to finalize a purchase.