
Peak Performance Zone at Home

For the latest daily PPZ workouts, join our Facebook group

Join us as we lead you through an interval-based class that maximizes the body’s metabolic rate through cardio, weight training and plyometric movements that will have your burning calories and toning muscle. Each block is 10 minutes. 

To view a Peak Performance Workout, tap and hold then select “Open Link” below

September 7th Week

Score to Beat (1 round: 10 narrow air squats, 20 fast feet, 30 punches)

August 31st Week

Score to Beat (1 round, 30 seconds of each: halo slam, squat jump, push up)

August 24th Week

Score to Beat (16 reverse lunge to front kick + 16 jumping jacks)

August 17th Week

Score to Beat 

August 10th Week

Score to Beat (1 min wall sit + 12 burpees)

August 3rd Week

Score to Beat (Run 1/2 Mile)

July 27th Week Score-To-Beat 

July 20th Week Score-To-Beat 

July 13th Week Score-To-Beat 

July 6th Week Score-To-Beat 

June 29th Week Score-To-Beat 

June 22nd Week Score-To-Beat 

June 15th Week Score-To-Beat 

June 8th Week Score-To-Beat 


5/11 Week Score To Beat 

5/4 Week Score-To-Beat 

4/27 Week Score-To-Beat

4/20 Week Score-To-Beat

4/13 Week Score-To-Beat 

4/6 Week Score-To-Beat: Tap and Hold Here

